Join us as part of the World Wide Wander 2023, 29th September in Bristol.
Streetwisdom is an experience which proposes that the streets around us and people in them are full of inspiration and wisdom that we usually ignore. By becoming more mindful and tuning in to our senses it can unleash a creative awakening – a powerful shift in how we relate to ourselves and our environment.
Such an experience is liberating as it takes you out of your everyday habitual patterns and into a truly creative space. My first Streetwisdom session helped me see the world anew. It gave me a glimpse of a new relationship between self and environment, giving me the confidence to actively engage with and change the world around me.
At my last Streetwisdom event this is what some people experienced:
‘A joy to be able to slow down, turn off the phone and just experience’
‘It’s been a difficult year, a struggle to find my value and to understand even the question of why I’m here. I found not only the right question, but also the answers’
‘I revisited some ‘highs’ I had in my working life and why they had happened. I realised they were self-driven and I broke patterns to make changes. I thought about what I was afraid of and how that was holding me back…ultimately I have more courage’
‘I thought I knew this area, but I was astonished to realise I’d missed so much!’
Details to be confirmed shortly.